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accounting for a significant proportion

2023-06-11| 发布者: 龙井百科网| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 13filmsgrossedovertenmillionyuanattheboxofficeAccordingtopublicdatastatistics,inthefirstquarterof2022,over80onlinemovieswerelaunchedonTencentVideo,iQi...
13 films grossed over ten million yuan at the box office

According to public data statistics, in the first quarter of 2022, over 80 online movies were launched on Tencent Video, iQiyi, and Youku platforms.

Although the number is not as high as the same period last year, in terms of box office performance, 13 of them have exceeded 10 million yuan, accounting for a significant proportion, with a cumulative total box office of about 220 million yuan, higher than the same period last year.

Among the 13 films that grossed over ten million yuan at the box office, action films remain the mainstream, while comedy films have risen strongly under the influence of the Spring Festival season. The only monster film that once dominated the online film market is "Snake 3: Battle of the Dragon and Snake". Although it ranked second at the box office, the popularity of the monster film genre has clearly declined.

Liu Chaohui revealed that "Narrowing the People's Special Attack Team" is the beginning of a series of products, with the title already registered as a trademark. The subsequent operation of the series will be more inclined towards the children's market. "It is not just a movie, but for a series of IP matrices, and use this IP matrix to drive the surrounding areas and cultural tourism landing

New themes emerge

Science fiction genre rise

For example, 'Red Paper Crane' is a female film with an anti domestic violence theme, and after its release, it set a record for the first day distribution of female reality themed online films.

The "Narrow Man Special Attack Team" pioneered the micro world concept of "Narrow Man" in online movies, innovatively combining various genres such as science fiction, comedy, and children's adventure, with a clear positioning. It has been popular since the online Spring Festival season and has strong endurance.

Sometimes the online film track becomes narrower and more concentrated, with more serious internal competition. Therefore, we propose 'In the era of internal competition, innovation is the most beautiful', "Liu Chaohui admitted. Although the film box office did not reach a high level," regardless, it still has the courage to set and innovate that even in domestic movies has not experienced

In the first quarter, there were not only soft science fiction oriented works such as "Narrow the Special Attack Team", but also Hard science fiction films such as "Suzaku Battle Discipline".

The production cost and difficulty of science fiction films are high, and the threshold is high. Not only in domestic cinemas, but also in online movies, the output rate is low, especially in hardcore science fiction films. The quantity is even rarer, with the highest box office of 17.53 million yuan for 'Reboot Earth'.

The film creates a future world of "Cyberpunk", and takes the super mechanical heroine as the hero, telling the story of her leading the machine corps to fight against the evil group.

It is reported that there are over 1000 special effects shots in "The Chronicles of Rosefinch", accounting for over 95% of the entire film. The special effects production cycle of the entire movie is nearly 3 years, with over 200 participants. For online movies, this production volume is quite large.

Bug Derry Girls Season 3 The Prince of Egypt Derry Girls Season 3 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Jizhizhong's team has participated in the visual effect work of blockbusters in cinemas and other cinemas, and has rich experience, so it is qualified to bite the "hard bone" of Hard science fiction.

The success of 'Wandering Earth' has given us great confidence and encouragement. In terms of texture, this film has actually made it a goal to strive for. Although it cannot match 'Wandering Earth' in various aspects, Jizhi insists that the development of science fiction online movies requires continuous trial and error and innovation in order to achieve breakthroughs.

In his opinion, currently in the field of online movies, 'The Battle of the Rosefinch'

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