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2020-08-04| 发布者: 龙井百科网| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 江南省造光绪元宝是指清代光绪二十三年至三十一年(1897-1905年)铸造的光绪元宝系列银币。作为我国货币史上唯一...


Guangxu yuanbao made in Jiangnan province refer to the guangxu series of silver COINS minted in the 23rd to 31st year of the Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty (1897-1905). As the only nominal province silver coin in the history of China's currency, there are altogether nine kinds of years: Old Jiangnan, Wuxu, Ji Hai, Gengzi, Xin Chou, Ren Yin, GUI MAO, Jia Chen and Yi Si, etc., there is no dry branch on the original coin, commonly known as old Jiangnan. Then, from the beginning of "Wuxu" in the year of guangxu 24 years, until the end of "Yi Si".


This commemorative jiangnan province made guangxu wing is weihai city of shandong province m. leblanc collection of rare a collection of many years, now very reluctantly give up what one favours Tibetan friend meet the heart of the collection, let more positive center with the manchu characters, this money guangxu wing ring its four sides have four words unify the meaning of the square, outside the inner ring with jiangnan province on behalf of the bureau of foundry, let-out issued on behalf of the qing dynasty passed twenty-four years, air-dried has ten, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, essien, nonyl, decyl order cycle, the meaning of moral unify Wan Nianzhou yuan after the beginning, below the library binary flat seven money on behalf of the purposeof the supreme imperial power, right, the Buddha a coin casting, The dragon has always been a myth and a totem of the Chinese nation. It was the only symbol of the early royal family. The decoration of the two petals on both sides of the dragon pattern played a key role in explaining the overall aesthetic feeling of the design of the culture at that time.


This coin package pulp is natural, the font is clear, the side teeth polished round, back dragon pattern sculpture lifelike, so the coin after several hundred years of circulation and collection, slightly worn product phase is medium depending on the classification, the overall collection value is very high welcome the majority of collectors to fight for collection.

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